2025 and further BACKLOG
A button to put MARS2 on pause when temporarily sailing on a NON RWS project. [req.1250] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
If a ship sails for another client for a short time, it is desirable that the Mars data storage as well as the synchronisation can temporarily be stopped.
Further refinement has to take place in consultation with the contractors.
Give an audible signal when there is no incoming data. [req. 1249] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
The ability to get an audible signal in the absence of incoming data. This signal can be turned on or off.
Further refinement has to take place in consultation with the contractors.
Make visible in the board interface for how long the water trip is still valid. [req. 1476] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
Make visible in the board interface for how long the water trip is still valid.
Place the "valid to" date on the report.
No longer show error messages when leaving the field. [req. 1542] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
If an input field is subject to validation, this validation takes place when leaving the field. The column on the right screen side therefore displays an error message. At that point, the cursor is either on the comment button or in the next input field. This can also be in an input field on another tab.
The change is:
To stop showing the error message when leaving the field,
Showing the red cross behind the field remains unchanged,
The error message will not show until the cursor is placed in the field that has a red cross or warning sign.
Separation of locations. [req. 1547] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
In this version, the following functionalities related to the box separation are added.
The location name is listed separately on the screen. These locations are displayed in a coloured way in accordance with the table below:
Location from the list of plot locations. | Green |
Area box from the list of plot locations. | Yellow |
Location from the list of all locations. | Light orange |
Area box from the list of all locations. | Dark orange |
Location "Unknown". | Red |
Below is an example of a location from the list of parcel locations:
Below is an example of a location "Unknown":
Any error messages resulting from the above list will no longer be taken into account in the "Warning state" (Trafic light). [req 1547]
(Mainrequirement: 821)
Simplify entering manual soundings [req. 1248] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
The solution is sought in filling in as much as possible in advance.
Further refinement has to take place in consultation with the contractors.
Split up ON-Walgebruiker [req. 1312] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
Distinguish the following roles:
A shore user who can only enter and edit configurations.
A shore user who can use only project data.
Use the GPS location of the suction tube position next to the antenna position. [req. 1247] last update:Wed Oct 23 14:43:28 CEST 2024
It can happen that the suction tube is in the correct location while the GPS antenna is in a different location. This happens most frequently if the defined location is small.
Further refinement has to take place in consultation with the contractors.
2025 Q2 Version 2.6.x
All optional signals can be displayed in the graph [req. 1587] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
The system offers the possibility to:
Enable or disable the display of each individual (optional) signal in the graph.
Adjust the y-axis scaling for each individual (optional) signal.
The scaling can be set to automatic, or to user-defined minimum and maximum values.
This already worked for a large number of signals, now also for all signals.
Empty ship value is shown in system checks table [req. 1343] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
The TAB monitor on the on-board system contains TAB system checks. If no system check is currently being performed, this TAB will display a table of all system checks performed on the ship.
The "Empty Ship Value" has been added to this table so that it is easier to gain insight into the Empty Ship value.
Entering manual soundings, delays and comments has been improved. [req. 1087] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
In the past it was not always possible to add manual soundings, delays and comments. For example, during an interrupted trip or during the current trip.
Manual soundings, delays and comments can now be entered for multiple trip statuses. After validation on shore this is no longer possible.
For public documents, the name of the person who uploaded the document has been removed [req. 1254] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
For public documents, the user interface does not show who uploaded a document. After logging in, the name of the uploader is only visible for documents if:
The uploader is the logged in user.
The user is logged in with the Functional Management role.
Functionality to not accept a configuration without further checking. [req. 1633] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
It often happens that a contractor asks to put a configuration on concept again so that a final change is possible. In the past, all fields had to be reviewed before the MARS Support Group (MSG) could return a configuration.
Now the "Do not Accept" button becomes immediately available to the MSG, after it has added a comment on the "Overview and (Not) Accept" tab. This allows the contractor's request to be met more quickly.
Improvement in the use of screen Trips [req. 1766] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
From this version onwards, an improvement has been made in approaching the trips in the Trips overview screen. A scroll bar is now available on the right side with which you can scroll to previous trips. Browsing per screen with only 20 trips at a time is therefore history.
In the Process panel / Harmonica view, two values have been removed. [req. 1162] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
Up to now the system has among other things displayed the following values in the harmonica view:
empty ship displacement in tons;
empty ship displacement in m3;
displacement in tons (was always 0.000);
displacement in m3 (same as empty ship displacement in m3);
The last two values are overbid and therefore removed.
Parcel activation last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
Changing the parcel of the current trip. [req. 1113]
As long as the ship still has status empty sailing, it is possible to link the current trip to another parcel ship and parent parcel.
The old "Activate" buttons under parcel and under parcel ship have been removed. [req. 1286]
Due to the previously added functionality for activating a parcel and parcel ship, the old buttons are redundant or even unwanted. These buttons have been removed in this version.
The archiving of projects, contracts, parcel and parcel ships has been improved. [req. 1217] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
When a ship departs, it has usually collected data shortly before in a trip that will not be completed and that not belongs to the current parcel. This data is not useful, but causes that the parcel has an uncompleted trip attached to it. As a result, it is currently not possible to set a parcel to "completed" status in MARS.
That has been improved with this version. In addition, when an item is completed, the underlying items are automatically set to completed.
The fields "Sensor Manufacturer" and "Sensor type" have been removed from the configuration in the web portal. [req. 1545] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
The following fields have been removed:
3.1.1.x Sensor manufacturer
3.1.2.x Sensor type (manufacturer)
6.b.1.x Sensor manufacturer
6.b.2.x Sensor type (manufacturer)
7.1.13.x Sensor manufacturer
7.1.14.x Sensor type (manufacturer)
In addition, the relevant tabs have been adjusted, including the numbering and order of the fields and the layout.
The layout of the columns in the Management TAB under Travel has been adjusted. [req. 1344] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
The order of the columns has been adjusted, some fields have been deleted and new fields have been added. The changes are listed in a table below.
Column name | Existing | Remark |
Trip start | Yes | By default, list is sorted by this column with the most recent at the top. |
Trip end | Yes | |
Trip no. | Yes | This was the old column "No." |
Ship name | Yes | |
TDS | new | |
m3 | new | |
Fullship | new | |
Hoppervolume | new | |
Emptyship | new | |
Config. | yes | This is the old column "Conf.No." |
Parcel | new | This is the plot description! |
Trip type | Yes | This is the old "Type" column |
Week | Yes | |
Year | Yes | |
Contract | Yes | This is the old "Con.No." column |
Project | Yes | This is the old column "Project name" |
Contractor | Yes | This is the old column "Contractor Name" |
Tester | Yes | expires |
Msg | Yes | expires |
There is now an option to enter a manual sounding taken in the middle of the hopper into MARS. [req. 1595] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
Until now this was only possible for port and/or starboard. When entering manual soundings, a choice can now be made for port, middle or starboard.
Under Management->Preference Sets, both "Selectable Values" and "Visible Values" have their own scroll bar. [req. 1292] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
In the Preference Sets panel, both sections can now be scrolled independently for "Selectable Values" and "Visible Values". This change makes it easier for the user to see what changes have been made to the preference set. There is less scrolling back and forth to check the changes made in the "Visible Values" section.
When changing a hand sounding, it is now mandatory to enter a reason for changing the hand sounding. [req. 1173] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
The reason why a change is being made must be stated in the "Comment" field.
When switching a tab within the creation of a configuration, an error message no longer appears. [req. 1331] last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:45 CET 2025
If the "Next" button is clicked within a configuration and not all fields have been completed, a pop-up will appear with a message "Continue to the next tab and ignore errors?" this has now been removed. The check whether all fields have been completed still takes place when saving and submitting a configuration.
2025 Q2 Versie 2.7.x
Import Functionality for Production Data of Other Vessels last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:24 CET 2025
Under the working title BaRS, a new functionality will be added to MARS, allowing data from other vessels (excluding hopper dredgers) with production data to be uploaded via the web portal. The following changes and additions have been implemented for this expansion:
Block 1.2 Ship Data has been moved from the configuration to a new Vessels tab. This block is still present in the configuration, but is now read-only [req. 1854, 1859].
Management of vessels will now take place in the Vessels tab [req. 1853].
Production data can now be uploaded from the Vessels tab using a .csv file [req. 1855].
The operation of the Parcel Ship feature has been adapted to the new possibilities. The current parameters are now only available for the vessel type "Hopper Dredger" [req. 1859].
Managing Texts and Adding Languages last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:24 CET 2025
The management of text in the user interface has now been moved from separate installation files to a table that can be directly managed within MARS.
This allows for quick and easy corrections of language errors in the interface. This approach was already available for help texts and the "Information" tab. If you encounter an error, please let us know at mars@rws.nl, and we will take care of the adjustment.
Additionally, the functionality for managing languages is being simplified. Instead of individual files, tables in the database will now be used. Work is also underway to enable the import of multiple languages, which will be available in future versions [req. 2064].
OG_Toetser will be removed last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:24 CET 2025
The role of OG_Toetser will be removed, and the associated user rights will be transferred to the OG_Projectleider role.
Synchronizing documents from the Web Portal from Shore to Vessel last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:24 CET 2025
Documents are synchronized to the vessel from the following locations:
Documents tab
Information tab under Manuals and Regulations
Configuration, where all documents from the configurations are synchronized.
Only documents that are allowed to be accessed by users onboard will be synchronized [req. 1821].
Trip correction and validation last update:Wed Feb 05 09:27:24 CET 2025
Validation of MARS Data
The validation of MARS data currently takes place outside the functionality of MARS. Excel files are created to implement corrections. Based on these files, the performed work is reconciled and accepted.
These enriched Excel data files are stored on a drive associated with the projects, but are not retrievable in MARS, which is inefficient. To better formalize the validation of the data and maintain transparency for the future, we want to implement data enrichment within MARS itself. The following functions are needed:
Implement corrections to the data (this has been realized in the current)
Indicate and route validation findings (later than version 2.7.x).
1. Implementing Corrections to the Data
The following corrections are necessary for the collected data in MARS:
Trips can be reassigned that were executed under the wrong project [req. 1681];
Errors in providing the contractor status can be corrected [req. 1658];
Trips can be split that have incorrectly been combined into one [req. 1656];
Trip segments that belong to the same trip can be merged [req. 1657];
A trip can be linked to a different configuration [req. 1680];
Trips can be recalculated based on the collected data (replay) using the modified data as a basis [req. 1659];
Trips can be recalculated using different criteria for TDS or m³, such as ship value, volume, etc. [req. 1660];
To carry out these corrections, the original data will always be retained [req. 1789];
In addition, all actions are recorded in an audit log [req. 1755, 1942]. The timestamps of the performed recovery actions are also recorded [req. 1932].
2. Indicating and Routing Validation Findings (later than version 2.7.x)
After any corrections have been made, a trip can be validated by the MARS Support Group. Recommendations can be made to the contract coordinator, who can then accept this recommendation or request further clarification. Subsequently, the corrected and validated data can be retrieved from MARS through reports.